Help Benidorm gets requests from homeless people but there is little we can do for them except refer them to Project4All. Help according to its statues can not help peole with cash handouts, therfore we donate our excess income from donations to other local charities which assist people.

Accepting the donation is the co-founder Arne Soeten and Richard Saville (treasurer). Part of the donation was given by the British Benevolent Fund Spain. The Project strives to help the vulnerable in our society. This incredible charity; with its women’s refuge still running successfully as well as a newly established men’s house that offers support to allow people to get back on their feet and resume employment, needs constant funding. The ethos of the Project is about ‘making a change’. If you would like to be part of that change, visit the website and check out the new scheme to become a member for 10€ a month. Presenting the cheque are two of our valued and hardworking volunteers Christine Lathouders and Gerard Visser

AGM 25th January 2025

Help Benidorm celebrated the AGM . Andrés Rubio stood down from the committee but continues as a member. For many years he had acted as an interpreter for Help and conducted both Spanish classes for foreigners and English classes for Spaniards, until the outbreak of Covid. Unfortunately there is nobody availible to continue language classes.

Help President Jacqueline Leather stated at the AGM “I would like to extend an immense THANKYOU. Andrés has made many long standing friendship’s who would like to voice their appreciation for all of his contributions, his commitment and dedication that he has applied over the years “

UK Passport renew must now be done online or with smartphone.

It is quite easy for people handy with a smartphone. First take a good selfie with plain white background and then type into your browser Renew UK Passport bring up a link to the site.Make sure it is the genuine www. site. It costs 105 euros or free if you are over 90.

UK Passport Renewal at Round Town Travel Avda Dr Severo Ochoa 2, Benidorm
You can get your passport renewed here for 160 euros or 30 euros if you are over 90. They send off your old passport and you will get a new one in the post together with your old passport in separate envelopes delivered by courier. Passport renewal con now only be done online or with smartphone so those not tech savy this is a good option.
Telephone 966 811123. If you do not live in Benidorm ask in a British owned business such as Estate agent etc to see if they will do it for you.

Loss Passport now you can apply online for Emergency Travel Documents


Any British national who needs to travel urgently but doesn´t have a full validity passport (it could be lost, stolen, expired or damaged) has to apply online for an Emergency Travel Document.

If you or anyone else is in that situation, they should apply online at:

They will have to upload their photo, travel booking confirmation and any other documents requested and pay online.

As long as the application has been completed correctly, the customer will get an email within two working days advising them to go and collect the document from their nearest British Consulate.

If you have any vulnerable customers who are finding it difficult to apply online, they can contact the British Consulate on 965 21 60 22.

Geoff Rose former treasurer of Help passed away

17.10.1941 – 14.10.2024 RIP

We are extremely sorry to announce the very sad news that Geoff has passed away. Geoff has chosen to bequeath his body to medical science for research and educational purposes. The family will hold a farewell gathering on the Monday the 21st October at Caspers bar in the Old Town (4-7pm). The family would welcome any friends to pop in and have a drink in his memory or join them to reminisce and celebrate his interesting and industrious life.

One of Geoff’s earliest memories was during the war. Although only a toddler, he has vivid memories of a banana shortage, followed by a stampede to the greengrocers to obtain them after the war had ended. Geoff was born October 1941 in Romford and lived in leafy Upminster. He has memories of his formative years as a very simple but happy time. Going on to pass his 11 plus at Palmers Grammar school in Gray’s. Geoff had an abiding passion of anything to do with public transport …namely buses … and he went on to work for London Transport. When he met Ann, he decided that he needed to get a `proper´ job and went on to obtain his first university degree and took up a lecturing post at Colchester Institute. The passion for buses never left him and to this day still had a subscription to a London bus magazine. Geoff was also passionate about equality and was a staunch socialist and a great Union man. He was a rep for NATFHE who were concerned with providing education and training opportunities, as well as treasurer of a staff association. For a man who never sat still this wasn’t enough for him and he even stood for 2 local elections.

On retirement, he and Ann moved to Almunecar and Andalusia but it soon became evident that Geoff was chomping at the bit and, taking it easy in the sun, was most definitely not an option for him. They moved to Benidorm where he joined HELP in 2007. Geoff was a person who was always willing to help and support the vulnerable and he had a knack of seeing the good in people. As usual he gave 100% of his time and his contribution to HELP became the backbone of the charity for many years after. During his time, he was productive in setting up an Inter Cambio group bringing like minded people together to learn from each other. This group forged many and long-lasting friendships. With memories of socialising together, including Vinceta , and Denny (a stalwart of HELP ). Geoff’s main role was as treasurer and ensured that everything he did, was for the good of the charity. Anne describes Geoff as a force of nature, charging through life and getting things done. Always raising his head above the parapet and never afraid to let his voice be heard. That is what she would like his legacy to be. I think it’s fair to say that anybody that knew Geoff would wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. He was so very well respected and admired by all of his friends and colleagues alike. He, without a doubt, will be very sadly missed.

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Make appointment with your GP or Practice Nurse online.

You can now book a GP or practise nurse appointment online,

without any authorisation codes at Click this link then,

click the red icon. Insert you SIP Number and date of birth. Follow the green arrows at bottom of screen until you reach Confirmar. You can choose presencial or telephone appointments and also date and time of appointment.

If you need an urgent same day appointment you still may need to ring or make appointment in person if none are available online.

Jean Barber treasured member of Help Benidorm

We are so very sorry to hear the heart breaking news that one of our loyal members Jean, has sadly passed away. She has been part of the fabric of HELP for so many years and was loved and respected by all. She had such a bright and appealing outlook, as well as a great sense of humour. Jean worked tirelessly keeping the ‘Euro Boutique’ up and running at our weekly meetings, raising funds for HELP. She was such a caring soul who loved to socialise with friends and colleagues alike and always looked so elegant. It is with a heavy heart that we will say goodbye to Jean on Monday (16th) at 12,30 at the Tanatoria Crematorium Marina Baixa ( Villajoasa Crematorium).

Rest in Peace our gorgeous Jean

Jean Barber 01.03.1936 – 10.10.2023

Help Get Jack Home. The Campaign to raise funds for air ambulance was successful. Jack is now back in the UK

Jack and his mates decided to have a 3-day holiday in Benidorm. Jack has Type 1 Diabetes and what he didn’t anticipate was that his personal possessions would mysteriously disappear and he would collapse due to hypoglycemic encephalopathy and end up on ICU due to prolonged hypoglycemiae; in a coma, relying on breathing and feeding tubes to keep him alive, with possible brain damage. Jack did not declare his pre-existing condition on his insurance and for that, is paying the ultimate price. Jacks’ mum and dad have been with him every single day since it happened and now just want to take their son home and get him into Neuro rehab.

Jack’s parents organised a massive fund raising campaign to pay for an air ambulance back to the UK. The cost was over 25,000 euros. Help Benidorm was able to arrange a grant from The British Benevelont Fund in Madrid to cover part of the cost.

Jack returned to the UK and is making good progress in a rehabilitation unit in a Staffordshire hospital.