Residents Parking around Centre Social Jose Llorca Linares. The lower car park opposite the centre is now residents only. Cars without resident stickers can still park in the upper level. Marked mercasa in the linked map:…/…/documentos/01_zonas_residentes_.pdf
The yellow area in the map is residents parking. The blue lines are metered parking and the jagged red line indicated the boundary of the residents parking scheme.
Any Benidorm resident can obtain a residents parking sticker providing they meet the requirements below. The Zone outside the centre is the first pilot zone “A”, but at present anyone from other zones can also park in this zone for the time being.
” A residents parking sticker can be requested at the Benidorm Council sub office – Avenida Beniardá, 61-, Monday to Friday morning and afternoon – from 9 am to 2 pm and from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm-, and on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 pm. To get the sticker you must be empadronado in Benidorm, own al car or small van, and pay to Benidorm the Tax on Mechanical Traction Vehicles (ITVM). People who meet these three requirements can pick up the residents parking sticker by presenting their ID”

There are also parking meters in Ave. Foitetes running alongside the park below the marketplace car park.