Help International Benidorm provides short term loans of the following medical equipment:
Currently due to Covid-19 the centre is closed so we have a limited amount of equipment.
Wheelchairs Wheeled Walkers Walking Frames Crutches Commodes Bath and Shower Chairs Raised Toilet Seats Toilet Frames Bed Pans and Urine Bottles
This medical equipment loan scheme is available free of charge to all residents and tourists across Alicante province.
– A deposit is required for each loan item
– Deposits are refunded if the equipment is returned in good condition,
– Loan periods should not exceed three months
– Equipment must be collected from and returned to HELP International Benidorm’s office (see ‘Our Location’ page) on any Thursday morning
– HELP International Benidorm will not be held responsible for any claims arising from the use of the loan equipment