Financial Aid from Social Security, Ingreso Minimo Vital. This benefit is available to anyone of working age with low income who has lived in Spain for a year or more and is signed on at PuntLabora/Sepe as demandante de empleo (looking for work). INGRESO MINIMO VITAL ( minimum subsistence inbcome) CLICK LINK You can use the simulator to see if you qualify. You will need a Spanish speaker to apply. Call Help Benidorm interpreters on 607 385 842
You can claim if your monthly income falls below a threshold, depending on the number of people in your household. For a single person it is 555 euros a month in 2022. It increases depending on family size and also annualy with inflation. It is designed to top up your benefit to 567 euros a month as of 2023 . It does take months to process.
If unemployed you should be signed on at Punt Labora. If you have never signed on you should make an appointment for first time clicking on 1a Cita. Otherwise you can do the Alta Renovacion/renewal online with your NIE and telephone PIN code. If you have forgotten it, you can get it sent to the phone you registered with.