Social Bonus, Iberdrola Electricity Discount for people on a low income, or large families

Social Bonus. Iberdrola Electricity Discount for Low Income ( Pensioners, Covid Affected,) Also Large Families ie more than 3 children. The account should be in name of claimant (Titular)

It is easy to apply online or at Iberdrola office. On the first page is a chart showing annual income levels below which you can claim. Also when you start to fill it in you will be shown the monthly limits below which you can apply.

You need to be on the regulated variable tariff, Pvpc not on a special deal except for Dia y Noche.

If you are not supplied by Iberdrola you should enquire with your supplier, but if it is a free market tariff you are on, you can not claim this discount bonus.

(If you are receiving UK pension and Attendance allowance, remember that they are paid 4 weekly so you will have to multiply them by 13 and divide by 12 to get the monthly figure.)

The discount is normally 25% (vulnerable) but can be 40% (severley vulnerable) for people on a very low income.
The income limits vary according to family size and special circumstances.

Special circunstances include single parent, disability more than 33% if you have a disability card from Alicante, or Dependency grade 1 or 2 if you have this on an “Informe de salud para reconocimiento de prestaciones sociales)The latter, an assessment of your disability is done by the nurse and doctor at your Health Centre.

Large Families and Pensioners receiving a Spanish pension can get the 25% discount without proving income, but can claim the 40% discount if they fall below the income limits.

Large families with more than 3 children will need a large family certificate to claim.

Remember British pensioners will have to show income with a P60.

Also if you do not have a libro de familia, you will need to get a certificate of Fe de Vida to show you are alive. You can get these from the local registry office, courts (Juzgado) or justice of peace office (Juzgado de Paz)

Obtaining Volante de Empadronamiento from Benidorm.
Most benefit claims need a volante de empadronamiento, generally the historico with all family members listed on it. You can do it online if you have cl@ve at this link.

or making an appointment for using this link ( also for making appointment for other council services except PROP office)

La Nucia and Al faz de Pi do not require appointments to get volante de empadronamiento from town hall. Neither does Villajoyosa, but you get in from the Casa de Juventud.

You have to renew discount every two years apart from Large Families who renew when their large family certificate runs out. There is a separate link for renewals on the main page.

New Rules Attendance and Carer’s Allowance

No Change to Exportable Benefits such as Attendance Allowance if you have Spanish Residency before 31st December 2020. People already claiming benefits such as Attendance Allowance and Carer’s Allowance from the UK will see no change in their benefits.

New claims can still be made providing you can prove you were a Spanish Resident before 31st Dec 2020. You will have to send a copy of your residency card.

UK Pensions and health care with S1 continue as before Brexit.

However UK nationals taking out Spanish residency after 31st December will no longer be able to claim Attendance Allowance or Carer’s allowance. Source website. More information at :

UK Passport renew must now be done online or with smartphone.

It is quite easy for people handy with a smartphone. First take a good selfie with plain white background and then type into your browser Renew UK Passport bring up a link to the site.Make sure it is the genuine www. site. It costs 105 euros or free if you are over 90.

UK Passport Renewal at Round Town Travel Avda Dr Severo Ochoa 2, Benidorm
You can get your passport renewed here for 160 euros or 30 euros if you are over 90. They send off your old passport and you will get a new one in the post together with your old passport in separate envelopes delivered by courier. Passport renewal con now only be done online or with smartphone so those not tech savy this is a good option.
Telephone 966 811123. If you do not live in Benidorm ask in a British owned business such as Estate agent etc to see if they will do it for you.